Thursday, December 8, 2011

Nolan's 8th Birthday Celebration

As with every year, Nolan's birthday celebration tends to begin around Thanksgiving and stretch through to Christmas which has it's positives and negatives. Positives are that he reaps lots of attention, the house is always decked out during his birthday "season" and he gets what seems to be more presents (although that is probably just an illusion). The negatives are that birthday parties are hard to squeeze in during the busy holiday season, if he forgets to ask for something he wants he has to wait a full year before his "list" comes due again and he gets "double" the presents!

This year Nolan had a swim party with his friends and with some encouragement this year he donated his birthday gifts. He couldn't choose which organization he wanted to give to so we asked his friends to either bring a toy or an animal items and he donated to Toys for Tots and the Grapevine Animal Shelter. I think he felt good about it when he delivered the toys and food but it was a little hard for him to understand in the beginning. Here are a few pictures from his multiple celebrations!

Breakfast with his brothers!

Nolan's been through this before and he wasn't taking any chances. It's a good thing he only has 2 brothers!

Time to cut the cake!

Nolan requested an Angry Birds birthday cake for his party! This seemed like a lot of cake but every piece was served!

The lighting of the candles!

Donating animal supplies to the Grapevine Animal Shelter

Donating toys to Toys for Tots

Nolan showing off his new ski helmet from Grandma and Grandpa

Showing off some gifts!

Such a natural look for Nolan! When I close my eyes this is how I picture him!

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