Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Day 2011 - Grandma & Grandpa's House

After we finish eating our "pigs in a blanket" and somewhat cleaning up the wrapping paper mess, we loaded up the family truckster (aka mini van) and headed over to Grandma and Grandpa's house for some more Christmas cheer! That means alcohol for the adults and presents for the kids! :) This year we celebrated with 7 grandsons, yes you heard me...

Grandsons: 7
Granddaughters: 0

Present opening goes incredibly fast with 7 boys ripping through their presents at warp speed. I always end up asking around at the end of the day who got who what gift! This year Nolan got Just Dance 3 on the Wii from Grandma and Grandpa and let's just's fun!!!! I highly recommend it! We finished another successful Christmas day with a yummy turkey dinner and poppers!

Here they are...all 7 of them!

Great G-ma got her 2012 calendar!

Thank you Aunt Liz for the goal post! Maybe I'll go to college on a kicker scholarship one day!

The 3 eldest grandsons got their very own, name inscribed Louisville Slugger baseball bat.

More Mizzou gear for Nolan.


Nolan wearing the crown from his popper!

Lukey sporting his crown as well...looks like he's got something in that thar tooth!

Just Dance 3 (enough said)!

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