Sunday, December 25, 2011

Santa Came! Santa Came!

As usual, Santa showered the Wilson boys with plenty of gifts but this years theme was obviously "transportation"! Nolan & Luke each got a new bike and Dane got a scooter AND a stick "neigh" (his word for horse). And as requested, Santa brought Luke a new Nintendo DS since he lost his as quickly as he got it last summer! I think Nolan woke us up at a reasonable hour (6am-ish) and everyone enjoyed opening stockings and gifts a plenty! Santa even brought us a new hamster, Rudy. Zoe (RIP) passed away in early December. It was unfortunate that in less than 12 hours Rudy inflicted bites on 3 of the 4 Wilson boys (Nolan, Dane & Drew)! Luke was smart enough to keep his fingers a safe distance from Rudy. Rudy returned to the North Pole about a week later and was quickly replaced with Oreo, a black and white hamster who is quite friendly! Melvin made a "surprise" appearance and the switch was seamless! :) Disaster averted!

Santa's loot left for the boys...before the gift opening commenced!

Dane riding his "neigh"!

Luke got a new DS game for his NEW DS!

Nolan showing off the American League Champions Pennant for the Texas Rangers!

Luke trying out his new ride!

Nolan trying out HIS new ride...a bike with gears and hand breaks! He's growing up!

Dane got a scooter!

Lucy got a rawhide!

Christmas aftermath!

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