Friday, December 9, 2011

Visit with Santa

Every year we take the boys to see our favorite Santa at the Gaylord Texan. We've nearly got this even down to a science! We arrive about 30 minutes before the Big Man arrives and our wait time is minimized which is important because a 2 year old sees no reason to stand in line and wait his turn. All boys were cooperative this year and when I say "all" I really mean Dane! As a matter of fact he's always been cooperative with the sitting part but what we struggle with on a regular basis is getting all 3 boys to look at the camera at same time. Nolan has mastered this...sadly, Luke has not! It doesn't matter tho, the boys made their requests, Santa was a real trooper and I got a few cute pictures out of the hundred or so I snapped!

Waiting for Santa!

Riding Santa's Sleigh

This is a dangerous face my friends!

When posing individually Luke is extremely photogenic! I suppose he doesn't care to share the limelight with his brothers!

Typical Nolan, coy and handsome!

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