Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve 2011

Santa remains magical and mysterious to all 3 boys and I hope that feeling never changes! This year we were also blessed with an extended visit from Great G-ma Wilson and I know my kids will remember her visits to Texas. This year we celebrated Christmas Eve service at 1st Presbyterian Church with all of the Wilson family and with friends who also attend the same church. Going to the children's service at 5pm has become tradition! But before we headed out to the chaos that was soon to ensue we took a few family pictures. After church we enjoyed a Wilson traditional fondue meal at Katie & Chris' house before leaving our own cookies and milk out for Santa!

The Wilson Family

Happy to have a family picture with Great G-ma!

Drew and Sam - a rare shot of the two of us together!

3 Wilson boys and Lucy (the token "girl" of the family)

Let the fondue begin! What a cool way to display the veggies!

Of course I had to make my sugar cookies!

Luke showing off a snowman I'm sure he sneaked before dinner!

Took time to pose with Luke for a picture

And with Nolan too!

This is what happens when 2 toddlers hide in the pantry!

Luke left this picture for Santa Claus!

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