Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Celebrating with Cousins

The Tuesday before Thanksgiving we sisters and our crews began the evening by celebrating Vicki's 29th (wink, wink) birthday at Ria's restaurant. Our group consisted of: 4 sisters, 4 husbands, 2 boyfriends, 5 nieces, 5 nephews, 1 great nephew and 1 great niece...shew that's a lot...I hope I didn't forget anyone! It was yum (I had the filet) and we practically had the place to ourselves (that's what happens when you eat with the blue hairs!) but it did make it very easy with kids. They even gave us the back room all to ourselves which is nice when a 2 year old can't stay seated beyond the appetizers! Tammy even found time to stop in to see the doctor to have her toenail looked at! (She's the efficient, time-management sister!) :) Afterwards we gathered for dessert at Jackie's house and let all the cousins open their gifts from each other. What a hoot...paper was flying so fast I barely caught a picture of what was given! Here are some funny pictures from the gifts exchanged that evening:

Kyle, Kelsey and Nolan...right in the middle!

This picture cracks me up...look at Kyle and Luke's eyeballs!

Can anyone identify this child?!

I think she likes it but she shied away from my camera.

This titanium necklace is sure to improve Luke's baseball game! His lips say it all!

Wild thang! You make my heart sing! This was a hard gift to give away...I wanted one for myself!

Who likes Mizzou? Nolan? You don't say!

Dane's little footprint on a trivit made special for Kelsey! Go Tigers!

New workout pants for Lauren! She tells me they are her favorite!

Super Dane!

Nolan's footprint turned into a horse's face for his Aunt Vicki.

"Hotdog!" Enough said!

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