Thursday, March 8, 2012

Opening Day for the Southlake Cardinals

Nolan is playing Advanced Coach Pitch this season in Southlake and wouldn't you guess it that his team just happens to be the Cardinals. Now, while I realize this pleases all of my Missouri friends and family we really love our Rangers here in Texas! However, he does look smashing in red! Opening day was March 3rd and they won their first game in the bottom of the 6th (22 to 21). It was a great game and Nolan had so much fun realizing how many kids he knew from school on the other team (not to mention a former teammate from last season). I look forward to capturing more pictures this season should Dane cooperate with the photographer! :)

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Russler's Visit

Not long after Christmas was here and gone we got a special treat with a visit from the Russler clan! We managed to live up to the philosophy of "Maximum Fun in Minimum Time"! We treated them to burgers at Bottlecap Alley and then Mexican food at El Fenix downtown Dallas. Drew took Kyle, Kelsey and Lauren to a Dallas Stars hockey game...and that was all in day 1! Friday we took it easy and took Kyle on a tour of Central Market and had lunch on their patio before we took Kelsey wedding dress shopping where she found "the one"! Now she just had to find it in Missouri! We began our Saturday with watching the cattle drive in Ft Worth and had lunch at Coopers Old Pit Bar B Q! Yummmm! We checked out the water gardens and then headed home for NYE at Grandma and Grandpa's house where the girls got to work off their BBQ doing more Just Dance 3! A great end to a great year!

Kyle giving Luke a new view!

Dane petting the giant goats!

Cattle drive!

Poor guy can barely hold his head up with those curly horns!

Bright light! Bright light!

A different angle gets better eyes and smiles but a washed out picture! I spy an Uncle Jeff!

The gang posing in front of Billy Bob's just after we filled out tummy's with BBQ!

Another failed attempt to get all 3 boys smiling at the same time. And no, I didn't dress them all in red on purpose but it worked out pretty nicely!

Kyle & Kelsey inside the water gardens.

Silly, silly, silly little boys!

Russler family picture

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Day 2011 - Grandma & Grandpa's House

After we finish eating our "pigs in a blanket" and somewhat cleaning up the wrapping paper mess, we loaded up the family truckster (aka mini van) and headed over to Grandma and Grandpa's house for some more Christmas cheer! That means alcohol for the adults and presents for the kids! :) This year we celebrated with 7 grandsons, yes you heard me...

Grandsons: 7
Granddaughters: 0

Present opening goes incredibly fast with 7 boys ripping through their presents at warp speed. I always end up asking around at the end of the day who got who what gift! This year Nolan got Just Dance 3 on the Wii from Grandma and Grandpa and let's just's fun!!!! I highly recommend it! We finished another successful Christmas day with a yummy turkey dinner and poppers!

Here they are...all 7 of them!

Great G-ma got her 2012 calendar!

Thank you Aunt Liz for the goal post! Maybe I'll go to college on a kicker scholarship one day!

The 3 eldest grandsons got their very own, name inscribed Louisville Slugger baseball bat.

More Mizzou gear for Nolan.


Nolan wearing the crown from his popper!

Lukey sporting his crown as well...looks like he's got something in that thar tooth!

Just Dance 3 (enough said)!

Santa Came! Santa Came!

As usual, Santa showered the Wilson boys with plenty of gifts but this years theme was obviously "transportation"! Nolan & Luke each got a new bike and Dane got a scooter AND a stick "neigh" (his word for horse). And as requested, Santa brought Luke a new Nintendo DS since he lost his as quickly as he got it last summer! I think Nolan woke us up at a reasonable hour (6am-ish) and everyone enjoyed opening stockings and gifts a plenty! Santa even brought us a new hamster, Rudy. Zoe (RIP) passed away in early December. It was unfortunate that in less than 12 hours Rudy inflicted bites on 3 of the 4 Wilson boys (Nolan, Dane & Drew)! Luke was smart enough to keep his fingers a safe distance from Rudy. Rudy returned to the North Pole about a week later and was quickly replaced with Oreo, a black and white hamster who is quite friendly! Melvin made a "surprise" appearance and the switch was seamless! :) Disaster averted!

Santa's loot left for the boys...before the gift opening commenced!

Dane riding his "neigh"!

Luke got a new DS game for his NEW DS!

Nolan showing off the American League Champions Pennant for the Texas Rangers!

Luke trying out his new ride!

Nolan trying out HIS new ride...a bike with gears and hand breaks! He's growing up!

Dane got a scooter!

Lucy got a rawhide!

Christmas aftermath!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve 2011

Santa remains magical and mysterious to all 3 boys and I hope that feeling never changes! This year we were also blessed with an extended visit from Great G-ma Wilson and I know my kids will remember her visits to Texas. This year we celebrated Christmas Eve service at 1st Presbyterian Church with all of the Wilson family and with friends who also attend the same church. Going to the children's service at 5pm has become tradition! But before we headed out to the chaos that was soon to ensue we took a few family pictures. After church we enjoyed a Wilson traditional fondue meal at Katie & Chris' house before leaving our own cookies and milk out for Santa!

The Wilson Family

Happy to have a family picture with Great G-ma!

Drew and Sam - a rare shot of the two of us together!

3 Wilson boys and Lucy (the token "girl" of the family)

Let the fondue begin! What a cool way to display the veggies!

Of course I had to make my sugar cookies!

Luke showing off a snowman I'm sure he sneaked before dinner!

Took time to pose with Luke for a picture

And with Nolan too!

This is what happens when 2 toddlers hide in the pantry!

Luke left this picture for Santa Claus!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Visit with Santa

Every year we take the boys to see our favorite Santa at the Gaylord Texan. We've nearly got this even down to a science! We arrive about 30 minutes before the Big Man arrives and our wait time is minimized which is important because a 2 year old sees no reason to stand in line and wait his turn. All boys were cooperative this year and when I say "all" I really mean Dane! As a matter of fact he's always been cooperative with the sitting part but what we struggle with on a regular basis is getting all 3 boys to look at the camera at same time. Nolan has mastered this...sadly, Luke has not! It doesn't matter tho, the boys made their requests, Santa was a real trooper and I got a few cute pictures out of the hundred or so I snapped!

Waiting for Santa!

Riding Santa's Sleigh

This is a dangerous face my friends!

When posing individually Luke is extremely photogenic! I suppose he doesn't care to share the limelight with his brothers!

Typical Nolan, coy and handsome!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Nolan's 8th Birthday Celebration

As with every year, Nolan's birthday celebration tends to begin around Thanksgiving and stretch through to Christmas which has it's positives and negatives. Positives are that he reaps lots of attention, the house is always decked out during his birthday "season" and he gets what seems to be more presents (although that is probably just an illusion). The negatives are that birthday parties are hard to squeeze in during the busy holiday season, if he forgets to ask for something he wants he has to wait a full year before his "list" comes due again and he gets "double" the presents!

This year Nolan had a swim party with his friends and with some encouragement this year he donated his birthday gifts. He couldn't choose which organization he wanted to give to so we asked his friends to either bring a toy or an animal items and he donated to Toys for Tots and the Grapevine Animal Shelter. I think he felt good about it when he delivered the toys and food but it was a little hard for him to understand in the beginning. Here are a few pictures from his multiple celebrations!

Breakfast with his brothers!

Nolan's been through this before and he wasn't taking any chances. It's a good thing he only has 2 brothers!

Time to cut the cake!

Nolan requested an Angry Birds birthday cake for his party! This seemed like a lot of cake but every piece was served!

The lighting of the candles!

Donating animal supplies to the Grapevine Animal Shelter

Donating toys to Toys for Tots

Nolan showing off his new ski helmet from Grandma and Grandpa

Showing off some gifts!

Such a natural look for Nolan! When I close my eyes this is how I picture him!