Friday, December 24, 2010

Wilson Family Christmas

All I can say is WOW! Bring on the presents! Christmas present unwrapping has gone from a record setting 4 hour event (in 2003) to a 4 minute event (in 2010). The boys ripped packages faster than we could see what was behind the beautiful paper! We had a wonderful Mexican themed dinner with traditional tamales and green chili stew. Only in Texas! And to think that this was the first of many Christmas gatherings yet to come!

The loot!

6 Wilson grandsons (as you can see, Luke has learned the art of "bunny ears").

Dane got a 4 wheeler (powered by his 2 legs, of course!)

Luke got more train track and he was happy as a clam!

Nolan got a Brett Bros necklace which is going to drastically improve his baseball game! :)

Yes, that is Dane sporting a pink drink cup. Apparently Cabela's ran out of different shades of blue!

Nolan just "hanging" with Grandpa

That's Dave doing dishes! I had to capture a picture of this!

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