Friday, December 24, 2010

Wilson Annual Trip to the Gaylord to see Santa

Every year we make our Sunday morning trek out to the Gaylord to see Santa. My most recent memory of an 18 month old (Luke) sitting on Santa's lap resulted in a picture of an open mouth and the vision of 4 giant molars and that dangly thing in the back of your throat...needless to say, my expectations were fairly low. I fully expected to watch Dane slither off of the "Big Guy's" lap but not so. Luckily, this year Santa was extremely jolly and allowed Dane to slowly approach. Dane lowered his eye brows but did not cry. Nolan took the first seat, then Luke and then Dane decided he was an O.K. guy. It's good to have big brothers! He knows they'll take care of him!
Another attempt to get a picture of all 3 at the same time. I was so close until Luke looked away!

Luke is fully concentrating on the train watching.

GQ...enough said!

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