Friday, December 24, 2010

T'was the Night Before Christmas

This year Christmas Eve in Texas was relatively calm. The boys and I spent much of the day decorating a gingerbread house and then sugar cookies for Santa. Nolan has been wanting to leave a present for Santa and we settled on a "to go bag" full of cookies and carrots for the reindeer (beyond those left on the platter with milk). The boys took a good look up the chimney to make sure it was clear and finally hit the hay. Santa did indeed come and I thought I would share with everyone now while "not a creature was stirring"... Merry Christmas y'all!

You gotta love this picture the way Luke and Dane are eying each other!

Drew his his boys!

Family picture

Cookies & milk, complete with a "to go" bag!

Santa, are you sure they were THAT good this year?!

Santa was a hungry fellow!

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