Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Nolan's 7th Birthday - December 8, 2010

Today not only did Nolan celebrate his 7th birthday but he was also "Star Student" in his 1st grade classroom. The bulletin board was all about him and he even was able to bring in things that were special to him and he got to tell about them and answer questions. Of course, Nolan chooses to bring his wakeboard to school with him which doesn't exactly fit in is backpack but Mrs. Robinson told him if he could carry it he could bring it! He loved all of the attention that was showered on him, especially since it coincided with his birthday!

I've decided that this was the year for electronics! St Nick brought him a "kid" MP3 player on Sunday night and for his birthday he got his very own NintendoDS. He's been waiting patiently an entire year for this gift!

This year we let Nolan have a sleepover birthday party to celebrate his birthday. 3 of his buddies from his pre-school class spent the night. I just love that he has friends from before he was even 3 years old! They all play baseball together and what I've learned is that when Drew is the baseball coach, on or off the field, the boys respect him. I enjoyed not having to be the "mean mom" for this sleepover! When the boys woke up we had a special treat for breakfast. We took them to the fire station to have pancakes with Santa. It was pretty cool because 3 helicopters came circling around and when they landed Santa got out of one, Mrs. C got out of another and Rudolph got out of the other helicopter! We do our best to deliver spectacular birthday entertainment!

Nolan holding his brand new Nintendo DS!

Nolan's friends singing Happy Birthday to him!

Best Buds (and Luke too!)

Checking out the helicopter that Santa arrived in!

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