Sunday, September 20, 2009

Opening Day

What a great weekend...busy & exciting! It was Opening Weekend for Nolan's T-ball team and Luke's Blastball team. Nolan played his first game on Friday night and his team has made huge improvements from last season! They can field, they are making good decisions and throwing the ball to the right people and making OUTS! And they won both their Friday night and Saturday afternoon games. Congrats to Daddy too, Nolan's very patient coach!

Luke played his first, ever game of Blastball and enjoyed every moment of it. He loved fielding the ball, hitting and running to first base (the base "honks" when you hop in it!) Oh...and getting dirty, he loved that too! Today I purchased a huge refill of Shout stain remover because there is nothing like cleaning dirt out of a 3 year olds white baseball pants. Daddy is the assistant coach on Luke's team as well so he truly is a "super dad". He starts the day in an Angels uniform, finds a phone booth and magically becomes a Rangers coach!

Let's not forget about little bubby Dane! He cheered on his brothers and didn't once complain. Now that's a stupendous baby!

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