Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Dane 6 Months Stats

Dane had his 6 month check up last week and here are his stats:

Height: 25.5" - 5 Percentile
Weight: 17lbs 2 oz - 45 Percentile
Head: 17.5" - 50 Percentile
Dane is definiately growing, just not necessarily longer! He's measuring on the short side (extremely short) but his motor skills appear to be advanced for his age. He's eagerly rocking and getting ready to crawl (and is clearly frustrated because he can't). Sometimes he becomes a "tripod" with both legs straight and 1 hand on the floor trying to reach out with the other. Other times he's practicing his "downward dog" yoga pose! He can get into a sitting position from laying on his stomach and our Pediatrician said that skill is typically a 7-8 month skill, not a 6 month skill. Dr Robert's quote of the visit was, "He's got the perfect amount of baby fat on him!"

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