Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Baby Dane begins crawling on 9/29/09!

At the tender age of 6 months and 3 weeks and after what seemed like weeks of rocking, stretching, lunging and frustration Dane has finally made strides forward! He successfully did a hand, knee sequence several times last night to make his way to me! Yeah! I'm excited and a little saddened as he's reached another milestone which has now enabled this sweet baby to become more independent, not to mention mobile! What's worse is he loves to stand and is even beginning to pull himself up! Last night at 3am I heard him squawking so I made my way upstairs to his room and when I walked in I had to chuckle because he had both hands on the crib railing with his eyes peaking over the side and he was sitting on his knees. Picture a baby version of "Wilson" from the sitcom Home Improvement! I can think of no better way to spend my time at 3am!

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