Friday, November 5, 2010

It's Pumpkin Carving Time!

I haven't decided which holiday my kids like most...Christmas or Halloween! This Halloween I got my first taste of "I want to be _______". I had great plans for their costumes and how I was going to create a "theme" for the 3 of them but this year I had to let my ideas go and embrace the costume decisions made by Nolan and Luke (I still got to dress Dane up tho!). Either way, Halloween day always proves to be very exciting. We started by preparing our pumpkins for their annual "carvings". Nolan and Luke drew pictures of what they wanted their pumpkins to look like. I did the cutting, they did the gutting! Dane even got in on the action.

As it has been in the past, the weather was wonderful yet again for our Trick or Treating adventure! I remember many Halloweens in Missouri where our costumes were covered up with warm winter coats! Not so in Texas! This year Nolan was a USA soccer player, Luke was Buzz Lightyear (to infinity and beyond!) and Dane was my little viking (he IS 1/8th Norwegian ya know!). I guess I'm a sucker for the home-made costume as I think so many others are. A run down of Dane's costume looked something like this...

A "pelt" of fur - $3.50
A viking helmet made out of a baseball cap, paper horns, tape and paint - Free
A viking shield made out of a sauce pot lid and aluminum foil - Free again!
Duct tape to attach the horns to the cap - PRICELESS!

I hope everyone had a ghoulish night to remember!

Nolan and Dane "gutting" their pumpkin

Dane posing for the camera

Nolan doing his "gutting"

Luke scooping out his pumpkin guts

It's time! This viking has arrived!

A viking, a soccer player and a Buzz Lightyear

A rare photo of me and Dane!

Drew and Dane walking together. (I think Drew was checking the score of the World Series Rangers vs. Giants, game 4)

Who couldn't love this picture!

Someone loves him a Kit Kat bar!

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