Friday, November 26, 2010

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like...March?

Just a week ago we were enjoying a blustery 80 degree weekend and the boys just HAD to go fly their kites. You gotta love a warm November day that makes it feel like a spring day! We finished our yard work and headed up to the park near our house where we could find wide open spaces and enjoyed lots of giggles and squeals from the boys trying to fly their kites. It was actually too gusty to keep the kites up for long, long periods of time but when they came crashing down they were up again in no time thanks to the gusts of winds that caught their kites. I was a little thankful we didn't have one of those 2 handle kites because I am convinced it would have carried Luke away! Even Dane enjoyed watching his brothers fly their kites. Maybe next year he'll have one of his own to fly!

I love the look of concentration on Luke's face in this picture.

Turtle kite

Fish kite

Nolan has mastered his kite (for the moment anyway)

A tree in the park with fall color! I love the different shades from the bottom to the top of the tree. I appreciate any color I can see because in Texas the trees go from green to brown to on the ground.

Dane and Lucy hanging out by the baseball backstop enjoying the show!

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