Thursday, January 21, 2010

A White Texas of all places!

Can you believe it? A white Christmas in Texas?! And it came on Christmas Eve?! The snow couldn't have been more perfect (minus the bad weather that Vicki and family had to drive in to get to our house). The boys and I were decorating our sugar cookies when the snow started falling. It was like a modern day Norman Rockwell moment!

We managed to capture a family picture before we headed to Christmas Eve church service.

Santa arrives! Nolan came and woke us up this year at 4:30am telling me that he got Dane out of bed and handed him to Alexis and then came downstairs to get us. As I was walking Nolan back upstairs he had to pass by all that Santa left for him and he says, "Did you see that cool Hotwheels set?" It must have been terribly hard to go back to sleep. And poor Dane, he was plucked out of bed and had no idea why! Nolan woke up again at 6:45am (a more reasonable time) and announced that Santa didn't leave anything for Lukey but that he got TWO Razor scooters...hummmmm...sorry to break the news to you Nolan but I think one of those scooters belongs to your brother!

Dane gets a new helmet so he can stay safe when riding on the back of Daddy's bike!

Luke got more GeoTrax! Could life be more perfect?

Nolan got Widgits! And a marble game and a scooter and a Zhu Zhu pet and a ....

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