Tuesday, January 5, 2010

It's never too late for an update!

In December Nolan and Dane had their 6 year and 9 month check ups (respectively) with our family Pediatrician, Dr Robert and both checked out to be fabulously healthy and here are some of their stats:

Dane - 9 months old
Height: 27 1/2" - 10th percentile (a jump up from the 5th percentile last visit!)
Weight: 19 lbs 6 oz - 25th percentile
Head: 18" - 45th percentile

Dane turned 9 months old on December 10th and 2 days later took his first independent steps! Over the past several week's he's been practicing his skills and just this week we've seen him attempting to walk more than crawl. And, after 4 weeks of "we need to get the video camera out" we finally did! I'm pretty sure that Nolan's first steps were video taped the day he took them. Oh to be the 3rd baby!

Nolan - 6 years old
Height - 46 1/2" - 60th percentile
Weight - 51 lbs - 78th percentile

Nolan continues to grow up, up, up and should be at least as tall as Drew when it's all said and done. (Not sure Luke and Dane have the same prediction based on their doctor visit height percentiles!) I suspect that Nolan will also mimic Drew's love for adventure. Speed is Nolan's personal motto! From snow skiing and water skiing, water slides and rollercoasters to riding his bike and scooter his latest request is to do gymnastics. He got to take an introductory class last week and his favorite part with the trampoline! Of course it was, why wouldn't it be!!!

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