Thursday, January 21, 2010

Dear Santa...I would like an iphone for my Daddy!

Every year we head to the Gaylord Texan to visit Santa and this year was no exception! We got the boys "dolled" up and headed out right after church (early birds get to see Santa very quickly!) The resulting picture was marvelous! Look at these 3 handsome dudes! This might be the best picture I ever get! Next year Dane will have stranger anxiety so I already have a vision as to what that picture will entale and in a few years Nolan's going to protest sitting on Santa's lap! So, this was my year to enjoy!

Look at this sweet face waiting in line to ask Santa for a Thomas toy and an iphone for his Daddy! (Yes, he really asked Santa for that!)

Checking out Santa's workshop while we are waiting.

I got this great new camera and if you look close enough you can actually see the spit being flung from Dane's lips! Now that's some quick shutter speed! Can anyone resist those giant baby blues staring at you?

Our attempt at a family picture!

I wish the sun hadn't been so bright that day. It shone through the atrium and while the natural light was beautiful it cast shadows everywhere! This was the best picture I got of Dane and the poinsettas.

And of course, Dane's biggest fan Nolan had to scoop him up for a picture together!

Luke peeking at his favorite train display! I think if given the choice to see the trains or Santa he's actually pick the trains!

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