Monday, May 18, 2009

Newest Addition - Dane Joseph Boyd Wilson

Since I'm new to this "blog" thing I thought I better catch up on "life" as we know it currently! In March we welcomed home baby boy #3, Dane Joseph Boyd Wilson. He's been an absolute joy and blessing. That makes 3 boys for us, plenty to carry on the Wilson family name! Nolan is 5 1/2, Luke is 3 and Dane is now 10 weeks old. Life is busy for us and will become busier when I return to work on June 1st. I plan to use this blog as my diary to remember all of those things that I often forget, or forget to write down! I hope everyone enjoys reading it as much as I think I will enjoy writing it!

1 comment:

  1. I love it, Sam! You'll be a "blogger" before you know it. Dane is a doll... just got his announcement and I already want to squeeze him :)
