Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I need to rest my tummy

A new thing has happened when Luke gets ready for bed...he doesn't want to wear his pj shirt. I asked him "why?" and his response was "I need to rest my tummy." Ok, that was an interesting answer and since he's 3 I can't rationalize this so I let it be or as some say, I choose my battle and making him sleep in a shirt isn't one of them. Last night Drew caught Luke watching baseball on tv from upstairs so he let Luke (and teddy) come snuggle on the couch (he's got Drew wrapped around his chubby finger). I walked in the room and found them on the couch together when Drew told me that he wasn't wearing his pj shirt because he "needed to rest his tummy". Neither of us know what this means but if anything, he's consistent with his reasoning! Shirt or no shirt, at least he's sleeping and nothing is better than a sleeping 3 year old!

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