Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Luke's 3 Year Stats - May 2009

Today Luke had his 3 year check up. Dr Roberts' first comment was, "he's still kissing the bottom of the growth charts!" Luke is 35 1/4" tall which puts him in the 5th percentile and 31 lbs which puts him in the 25th percentile. He said that if he doesn't hit puberity too early he has a chance to be 5' 10" but if he does hit puberity at a younger age he'll probably only be about 5' 6" tall! Otherwise he got a great report and didn't cry when he got his shot! He's such a brave boy! We discussed his "lisp" and he said that it's possible he'll need speech therapy and to practice asking Luke "What do snakes say?" which will give him a chance to respond with "hissssss"....we'll see!

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