Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I need to rest my tummy

A new thing has happened when Luke gets ready for bed...he doesn't want to wear his pj shirt. I asked him "why?" and his response was "I need to rest my tummy." Ok, that was an interesting answer and since he's 3 I can't rationalize this so I let it be or as some say, I choose my battle and making him sleep in a shirt isn't one of them. Last night Drew caught Luke watching baseball on tv from upstairs so he let Luke (and teddy) come snuggle on the couch (he's got Drew wrapped around his chubby finger). I walked in the room and found them on the couch together when Drew told me that he wasn't wearing his pj shirt because he "needed to rest his tummy". Neither of us know what this means but if anything, he's consistent with his reasoning! Shirt or no shirt, at least he's sleeping and nothing is better than a sleeping 3 year old!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Luke's 3 Year Stats - May 2009

Today Luke had his 3 year check up. Dr Roberts' first comment was, "he's still kissing the bottom of the growth charts!" Luke is 35 1/4" tall which puts him in the 5th percentile and 31 lbs which puts him in the 25th percentile. He said that if he doesn't hit puberity too early he has a chance to be 5' 10" but if he does hit puberity at a younger age he'll probably only be about 5' 6" tall! Otherwise he got a great report and didn't cry when he got his shot! He's such a brave boy! We discussed his "lisp" and he said that it's possible he'll need speech therapy and to practice asking Luke "What do snakes say?" which will give him a chance to respond with "hissssss"....we'll see!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Newest Addition - Dane Joseph Boyd Wilson

Since I'm new to this "blog" thing I thought I better catch up on "life" as we know it currently! In March we welcomed home baby boy #3, Dane Joseph Boyd Wilson. He's been an absolute joy and blessing. That makes 3 boys for us, plenty to carry on the Wilson family name! Nolan is 5 1/2, Luke is 3 and Dane is now 10 weeks old. Life is busy for us and will become busier when I return to work on June 1st. I plan to use this blog as my diary to remember all of those things that I often forget, or forget to write down! I hope everyone enjoys reading it as much as I think I will enjoy writing it!

3 is the new 2

This weekend, dear son Luke turned 3 years old! We had a great party for him on Friday night with family and friends. We went to the park and played a game of "t-ball", ate hotdogs and hamburgers, sang Happy Birthday to him while he blew out candles on his Thomas the Train cake and opened presents. On Saturday we celebrated by going to the movies to see Monsters vs Aliens and he got to spend the night with Grandma and Papa and they treated him to ice cream. On Sunday we went to Main Street Days and went to the petting zoo, watched BMX bike stunts, kayaked and explored a choo-choo train caboose! Very fun but today, life slapped us in the face when Luke had a melt down...why the melt down you ask? The child already started his day on a bad note when he insisted on wearing a green shirt with a huge hole in it with orange shorts. Not long after he was eating his "ogur" (you and I refer to this as yogurt) for breakfast when his Dad stirred his "ogur" because it looked lumpy. Wrong! Luke began crying, "Mommy, Daddy turn my ogur!" My response (without even looking at him) was, "Then turn it back." That's when the storm passed and all was good again. And this is why 3 is the new 2!