Sunday, May 16, 2010

Happy 4th Birthday baby Luke!

Sometimes I am amazed at how time can fly by so quickly and other times it stands still. I guess staying busy with 3 boys grabs the attention of the present with such velocity that it's hard to "remember back..." until I take time to stop and think. I was induced with Luke the evening of May 15th and of the 3 boys he was the easiest delivery. He announced his place in the world with a good cry (see picture number 1 for an example) and what's endearing is the face you see in the picture is still the face he makes today when he cries. Even his little nose looks exactly the same today as it does in this picture!

There is so much to love about Luke. These days he loves to be outside, he loves to look for lady bugs, he is kind to his friends and has a soft heart, he loves "chep-up" (aka ketchup) and he loves to look for Jeep-Hummerbacks (just to keep you in the loop that is a Jeep or a Hummer that has a tire on the back!) Enjoy the photos below of Luke's "birthdays past". We love you little Luke and I'm so happy that God sent you to us!

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