Thursday, November 5, 2009

We were ratted out!

Nolan's t-ball team played their All-Star game last Monday evening and it sure was a lot of fun. It was played in the evening under the bright lights with announcements (favorite player, food, tv show, etc), music and lots of hoopla! Even though Nolan's cast was removed earlier that day he is still on 4 weeks of restricted activity (sigh). So, he attended the All-Star game in an "honorary" role and got to join in on most of the festivities (besides the actual game).

So, how were we ratted out you ask? This past Sunday afternoon we went to the park to hit some balls which technically was off limits but because the cast was coming off the next day we thought, what could it hurt (famous last words!). During the visit the doctor informed us that his activities were to be restricted for another 4 weeks and we agreed but leave it up to a 5 year old to gleefully chirp in with the following..."I got to play t-ball last night!" I thought I was going to crawl under the table when the 20-something nurse practitioner who was attending to Nolan's factured leg enforced her rules again "NO ACTIVITY"!

As for his leg, it healed very well but I swear, it still stinks! His skin is peeling and the skin on his foot is dry and cracked but otherwise all is good! I just set up our health insurance policy for 2010 and I'm going with the optimistic, glass half-full approach that there will be no broken bones next year! Now...where's the wood at? I have some knocking I need to attend to!!!!

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