Thursday, November 5, 2009

Happy Halloween y'all!

We truly lucked out this Halloween with the wonderful weather we had for trick or treating! I think it rained 30 of the 31 days in the month of October and was unseasonably cold most of those days. I totally felt cheated out of our beautiful Texas October weather but in just the nick of time, mother nature treated us with a mid-70s degree day to ensure a successful trick or treating event!

Jackie and Jeff joined us again this year for our festivities and we enjoyed a weekend with just enough activities! This year's Halloween costume theme was "what's cookin'?" Nolan and Luke were chefs while Dane was their lobster who almost got away! We had a lot of fun this year as you can see in the pictures I took right before we set out to gather our loot! We walked our entire neighborhood with the boys next door and when we returned home at 8:30pm Luke requested to be put to bed, no tv, no books, just bed! That has NEVER happened before and I LOVED IT! We should trick or treat every night!

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