Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick or Treat, Smell My Feet...

Sometimes I can't decide if the kids are more excited about Halloween or Christmas! This year Nolan provided me with a challenging costume request...he wanted to be the black bomber Angry Bird. After exploring my options for purchasing a costume (waaaayyyy to expensive plus they were sold out on every website I checked) I ended up making one for him. It turned out pretty good if I do say so myself! I also made Dane's costume. This year he was a monk (NOT Obe Wan Kenobi like some people thought...clearly they weren't Catholic!) and I made his costume as well. As you can imagine there aren't many child sized monk patterns available so I had to be creative and instead found a little red riding hood costume! Luke proved to be my low maintenance costume request for the 2nd year in a row...he wanted to be a ninja and we just so happened to have a black karate uniform that was given to me by a friend. We added the orange belt (which he earned in Karate) and voila...costume complete!

A trio of boys! Nothing like dark costumes on Halloween night that screams safe, right?!

My little monk who took a vow of silence!

Nolan as a black bomber Angry Bird...he had the coolest costume at school (or so I was told)!

Luke as a black ninja...not too intimidating in this picture tho!

Dane was out getting his loot!

This picture cracks me up. Can you see Dane questioning the witch statue? He was NOT getting any closer!

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