Sunday, May 22, 2011

Luke's 5th Birthday Extravaganza

Luke was lucky enough to have his 5th birthday celebration last an entire week! He had a baseball themed birthday party with 8 of his closest friends at Southlake Gymnastics where the kids got to swing from ropes and drop into foam pits as well as play a version of musical chairs with water guns!

This year Granny and Papa came to visit Luke on his birthday and watch him play his last t-ball game of the season. He did great although was more entertained by finding sunflower seeds in the dug out and taking them to the infield to plant them (much to our dismay)! Luke loves the idea of baseball, but not real focused on the game just yet.

The real highlight of the day came when he was opened his birthday gift and it was a Nintendo DS just like Nolan's. To us it's a curse and a blessing to have such an object in the hands of a 5 year old. Many times it causes conflict but on 10 hour car rides it offers much needed silence! All together now...ahhhhhhh.

Baseball mitt birthday cake! I found an awesome cake supply store where you can rent pans for a buck! What a deal! Saves me money AND storage for a pan I most likely won't ever use again!

Blowing out the candles!

Luke's best friends!

Luke blowing out his birthday candles at breakfast. (Yes, birthdays last ALL DAY LONG in the Wilson house!)

Playing catcher...serious stuff!

Look at his great form (in his 36 lb body!)

Luke's teammates singing Happy Birthday!

Luke's best bud, Nathan, whom he's known his WHOLE life! :)

Blowing out the candles on his birthday cake.

Finally...a Nintendo DS!

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