Thursday, May 26, 2011


You might be expecting this post to be about Nolan, Luke or Dane but instead it's about the little birdies that gave us such excitement this morning! As Nolan was leaving for school this morning I looked down and saw a featherless bird laying on the sidewalk. At first I thought the little creature was injured and dying a slow death but Drew picked it up and said, "I think it's just cold!" We assumed this bird must have fallen from our Pecan tree. So, we took it inside and Googled "bird fallen out of nest". A few of the pointers were to get the bird warm, wrap it in a moist paper towel and at most feed it water for dehydration with a sterile syringe. So, I got my little bird incubator set up. The under cabinet kitchen lights are quite warm so it made a toasty home. About an hour later I decided to go outside to see if I could find the nest when to my surprise I stumbled across ANOTHER baby bird on my porch. This little guy didn't wiggle as much as the first bird but I brought it in and next thing I knew it was drinking from a syringe as well! Luke was so excited as he proclaimed, "Our birdie has a brother!" After making a few phone calls one woman recommended having me re-nest the baby if I could find the nest and another man told me that it was probably a Starling (which they were) and they nest in eaves and roofs. I searched and did find a bird perched in an exhaust vent on the side of the house. After retrieving a tall ladder I returned the 2 babies back to where I think they came from. I even checked on them later that afternoon and when I peeped at them they peeped back! (Oh my, I'm starting to sound like a crazy bird lady!) Drew told me I was a crazy farm girl. So what if I am?! I once cried when too many Christmas trees were chopped down. I guess I have a soft spot for living creatures.

This is a picture of the 2nd baby bird I found. It bounced back nicely after some warmth and water.

Profile of baby bird #1

Look at the size of that beak!


Monday, May 23, 2011

Gators vs. Pink Ladies

At the end of Nolan's baseball season Coach Drew organized a moms vs. sons baseball game and the boys were all for it! Even better...all the moms agreed to participate as well! So, we moms wore pink shirts and eye black under our eyes and attempted to play a game of baseball with the boys. What fun we had! I managed to get a few hits and catch a pop fly to boot! Final score: Gators 2, Pink Ladies 9! We celebrated with pizza for everyone!

Sam playing short stop

Nolan at bat

The Moms and their sons pose for a picture together

Family photo op...Nolan looks exactly like Drew in this picture!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Luke's 5th Birthday Extravaganza

Luke was lucky enough to have his 5th birthday celebration last an entire week! He had a baseball themed birthday party with 8 of his closest friends at Southlake Gymnastics where the kids got to swing from ropes and drop into foam pits as well as play a version of musical chairs with water guns!

This year Granny and Papa came to visit Luke on his birthday and watch him play his last t-ball game of the season. He did great although was more entertained by finding sunflower seeds in the dug out and taking them to the infield to plant them (much to our dismay)! Luke loves the idea of baseball, but not real focused on the game just yet.

The real highlight of the day came when he was opened his birthday gift and it was a Nintendo DS just like Nolan's. To us it's a curse and a blessing to have such an object in the hands of a 5 year old. Many times it causes conflict but on 10 hour car rides it offers much needed silence! All together now...ahhhhhhh.

Baseball mitt birthday cake! I found an awesome cake supply store where you can rent pans for a buck! What a deal! Saves me money AND storage for a pan I most likely won't ever use again!

Blowing out the candles!

Luke's best friends!

Luke blowing out his birthday candles at breakfast. (Yes, birthdays last ALL DAY LONG in the Wilson house!)

Playing catcher...serious stuff!

Look at his great form (in his 36 lb body!)

Luke's teammates singing Happy Birthday!

Luke's best bud, Nathan, whom he's known his WHOLE life! :)

Blowing out the candles on his birthday cake.

Finally...a Nintendo DS!