Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Oh Dane...seriously?

Call him an explorer who ventures into territories where his older brothers have never gone before...the toilet bowl! It's too bad that I wasn't able to snap a picture of him when I first found him because that picture would have shown him sitting in the bowl like a bird in a nest. And he was smiling so big! Tonight felt like a F4 tornado hit our house. Dane began the evening by shimmying under the baby gate which keeps Dane and Lucy out of the cat food and cat box (or at least now it keeps Lucy out). He was helping himself to huge handfuls of cat food which I had to extract with my finger from his clenched shut jaws. Guess what? He bites!! I finally had to let him chew up the last few pieces (ewwwww...gross, I know!) It was shortly thereafter when I found him in the toilet bowl. Is it too much to ask for a few minutes to change clothes and use the potty? Apparently so! Then, when I was getting everyone ready for bed I went into Luke's room and found ALL of Luke's books pulled off the shelves in his closet and scattered across the room. I don't think I can blame that one on Luke...I'm convinced that "Tornado Dane" barreled through Luke's room as well! And just like a tornado, the havoc he created took him probably less than 3 minutes!

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