Sunday, March 14, 2010

Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See?

I see a CHICKEN looking at me! Most people might see a chicken sitting on a frisbee on a bed of ugly clover, but I see Luke's compadre, his confident, his friend! "Chicken" has been with us for a few years now but recently this chicken has taken on an almost life-like roll for Luke. Saturday morning I found "chicken" seatbelted into the passenger seat of the Tahoe wearing my sunglasses, last night when we were watching a movie "chicken" dove into Luke's popcorn bowl and helped himself to some popcorn and this afternoon Luke, "chicken" and I played a game of t-ball in the backyard! The frisbee was 2nd base and Luke was sure to give "chicken" his fair share of hits, runs and throws. Perhaps this is the beginning of "middle child syndrome" as he has very much bonded with his "chicken". Being a Mom of 3, it's clear that Luke is somewhat on the outside of the relationship Nolan has created with Dane but I absolutely love Luke's imagination. He's thoughtful, compassionate and just plain funny! Thank God for Luke!

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