Monday, February 22, 2010

The Wabash Cannonball?

Tonight Nolan was humming the Missouri Fight Song so I googled it and came up with links to all of the Big 12 Conference band songs. The boys had a great time dancing to "Every True Son", "Tiger Rag" and "Hey Baby". We even went as far as to listen to the University of Texas fight songs and Luke LOVED "The Eyes of Texas" (ironically it sounds just like "I've been working on the railroad"!) Their other favorite was the Wasbash Cannonball. Grandpa Wilson must have been so proud watching them dance around the kitchen to the Wabash Cannonball. But, these are MISSOURI boys and they quickly requested more Missouri music and in the words of Nolan he was "done listing to hook'em horns"! Sorry Liz, next time we'll try to listen to some Tech fight songs!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Texas Snow Storm - Take 2!

Texas weather forecasters just can't seem to get it right! On Wednesday they suggested we'd get 1-2" of snow, mostly on the grassy areas! Wow...were they wrong! Our snowfall began at 3am on Thursday morning and the day went on as usual. But as the morning went on it was clear the snow wasn't stopping. As a matter of fact, our house lost power at 10am on Thursday morning! I left work early and went to pick up all 3 boys then proceeded to pull out our ski gear to have some unexpected winter fun! We didn't have any sleds but I did have a laundry basket which sorta worked (for Luke anyway). We headed up to the park with the neighbor boys and they had a great time! We went back to warm up in our house (which was getting colder by the hour) and then out to dinner at CiCi's Pizza. However, when we returned still no power! So, we bundled up the boys in their warmest winter pj's and crawled into our bed...all 4 of us! (Dane slept in his own bed with 2 blankets!) We were quite toasty but no one was able to move all night long! My babysitter Jennifer calls that "coffin sleeping" and she was spot on! We woke up and to our surprise, no electricity! That was all I could stand. We packed up a few things and headed to Aunt Lizzie's house to first get warm and then play in the snow. What a fun memory for the boys! Thankfully, we were able to go home to a warm house later that afternoon! After all of the snow had fallen we ended up with a record setting 12.5" of snow!
A picture of Nolan walking to our neighbor's house at 7:30am Thursday morning!

A picture of the pond across the street.

A picture looking down our street. It really looks like a winter wonderland doesn't it?

By Saturday afternoon the snow was melting fast so Drew and Nolan went out to quickly build their version of "Baseball Frosty". This picture makes me laugh as Drew and Nolan are bundled up and Dane is barefoot without a hat on! But I promise, it was very mild outside and we were only out for a few moments. I really am a good mother!

Nolan and his snowman. A dream come true!

Happy Valentine's Day

In celebration of Valentine's Day I whipped up a batch of my Grandmother's sugar cookies (a double batch!) There's something about my Grandma's recipe. The cookie, even once cooked, remains soft and buttery. I'm not a fan of crunchy sugar cookies so I guess I have a permenant craving for this recipe in particular. Not to mention all the fun shapes and colors that you can make throughout the year! Nolan helped sprinkle some of the cookies while Luke helped eat the others! He'd take a bite of one cookie, put it back and then start in on another cookie (pre-iced of course!)

All 3 boys waiting for the cookie eating to begin!
Luke showed off his cookie but didn't eat it. He doesn't like sticky hands! He also passed up a sopapilla this afternoon because he didn't like the sugary coating. If only I could apply his technique to my diet I could lose those last 10 baby pounds!

Nolan posing with his cookie!

Dane thought it was the "cookie" olympics as he tore into his cookie! By the look of his face you'd never know that we are having a difficult time transitioning him to table food. He seems to have a "texture" issue and he too doesn't like to pick up food (he likes it to be served to him on a baby fork!) I guess drool and icing have the same texture as some of his baby fruits!