Tuesday, October 6, 2009

What's the hurry little man?

1 week ago tonight Dane showed me his crawling skills and in the past week has progressed substantially, so much that on Sunday I caught him standing up by the end table. He couldn't really see over it but he was proud of himself nonetheless. This afternoon his babysitter said how much happier he is now that he's crawling. As you can see in this picture, we have a staircase that doesn't really allow for a traditional gate to be installed. I said, "No worries, he just started crawling, I've got some time before I need to figure THAT out." No sooner than 2 hours later after I said those words did I find Dane with one knee up on the bottom step! I snapped a picture because I don't think anyone would believe me otherwise! A few moments later he figured out how to get both knees up on the bottom step. He turns 7 months on Saturday! Looks like Dane just gave me a weekend project!

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