Tuesday, October 20, 2009

5 little pumpkins sitting on a bench...

Call us crazy but Drew, Liz, Katie and I took all 5 Wilson grandsons to the Pumpkin Patch! I was thrilled to try out my fancy new camera but of course when we got there they all wanted to split! So, the big boys got to play a bit while I took pictures of Dane and Dylan. When everyone was done I snapped a few more and attempted to capture the moment! The boys had a great time racing through the corn maze, piling pumpkins in a wagon and going on a hayride! I've officially adopted the rule "hiney on the hay!" which means STAY SEATED! My boys have a terrible time remembering that rule. We can't wait for Halloween to get here in our new "kid friendly" neighborhood!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Another broken leg?!?!

Most of you have probably already heard about Nolan's cast but I thought I better blog about it anyway! Being a Mom of 3 boys I'm starting to get the picture that injuries are going to happen and happen frequently. All of you know that Nolan fractured his right leg at 23 months which required a hip to toe cast. It's amazing how fast he adjusted to his new cast and managed to get around without a problem. This time around his injury wasn't as apparent as he complained of a hurting leg but I said, "It's growing pains!" A few days later he played a t-ball game and it was apparent that the leg was obviously hurting as my lightening speed runner hobbled to 1st base. Hummm...I wonder what was going on?! On Monday we took him to see the Nurse Practitioner who felt it was a muscle sprain and to alternate cold and hot but by Friday there was no improvement. So off to get an X-ray Friday morning (Nolan enjoyed that because Daddy picked him up, got a quick X-ray, grabbed a hamburger at McDonald's and returned him back to school in an hour). The results (why do they always give you the results at 5pm on a Friday night?) stated he needed follow up so on Monday we took him to see a Pediatric Orthopedic who agreed that he needed a cast. It was at that moment that Nolan's life probably felt like it came crashing down around him...no PE...no recess...no T-ball...no scoccer...no swimming! He kept a brave face until it was over and shed a few tears on the way out of the doctor's office. Everything is better now as his friends have signed his neon yellow cast with a black sharpie and he says his cast is a Missouri Tiger cast! You gotta love how quickly kids bounce back! Here are a few pictures of him a 2 years old and at 5 years old.

What's the hurry little man?

1 week ago tonight Dane showed me his crawling skills and in the past week has progressed substantially, so much that on Sunday I caught him standing up by the end table. He couldn't really see over it but he was proud of himself nonetheless. This afternoon his babysitter said how much happier he is now that he's crawling. As you can see in this picture, we have a staircase that doesn't really allow for a traditional gate to be installed. I said, "No worries, he just started crawling, I've got some time before I need to figure THAT out." No sooner than 2 hours later after I said those words did I find Dane with one knee up on the bottom step! I snapped a picture because I don't think anyone would believe me otherwise! A few moments later he figured out how to get both knees up on the bottom step. He turns 7 months on Saturday! Looks like Dane just gave me a weekend project!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Good Mom or Bad Mom...you decide!

Is it bad that I fed Nolan and Luke yogurt and cereal last night for supper? They didn't get any veggies in them but they definiately meet their dairy and calcium requirements for the day! I wonder what's on the menu tonight? Pop Tarts and Toaster Strudels perhaps!