Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July

We had a very busy weekend! Great Grandma and cousins Scott & Kris arrived in Texas on Thursday evening. We spent some time on the sailboat on Friday, grilled fajitas on Friday night and watched the Southlake fireworks show from the Primrose parking lot with our friends, the Paquettes. Saturday we headed up to Moss Lake and it was hot, hot, hot! The boys were sunscreened repeatedly and all that work was repaid without any burned noses, shoulders or feet! That evening we enjoyed the fireworks show as most everyone on the lake was setting off their own fireworks. It was quite a show! Although, Lucy and Luke were not impressed with the noise so they joined Dane and myself in the house and watched from the window. Sunday was a rainy day so we started slowly by having breakfast at the hotel with Gary and Amanda (Nolan could hardly contain himself and wanted to wake them up at 7:45am!) We returned to the Janbaz lake house late morning and the rain let up just enough for a quick boat ride with Aunt Lizzie. Drew busted his eardrum 2 weeks ago and is unable to get in the water so Aunt Liz took Nolan "surfing" behind the boat. He was thrilled! We finished off the weekend gathering at Grandma and Grandpa Wilson's house for dinner with Great Grandma before her return to Missouri. Included are some of my favorite pictures from the weekend.

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