Thursday, June 11, 2009

Summer Storm

What a night we had last night! Around 7pm a storm blew through Grapevine with 70 - 80 mph winds. I took a peek outside and noticed the rain blowing nearly horizontal so when the power went out I grabbed the flashlight, my cell phone and ushered the boys and I (and Lucy too) to my bedroom closet. Earlier that evening the boys were bickering and fighting but when we sat on the floor in the closet you could have heard a pin drop they were so quiet. It was the most wonderful sound ever and I secretly prayed that we'd have to hang out in the closet for at least an hour! He He! But once all was calm we adventured out to see what it looked like outside. When I looked out the window, much to my surprise, I saw our Bradford Pear tree lying on the ground. Luke kept saying, "Mommy, tree fall down!" and Nolan was just sure we were "dead". It wasn't long before the neighbor boys came down and all 4 of the boys were crawling through the tree like it was an obstacle course. Grandma and Grandpa came by to see the damage and it was at that very moment when Butch reminded me that these are the moments the boys (or at least Nolan) will remember! Thank goodness everyone is safe however I am a little sad to see the stump where our tree once stood.

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