Sunday, June 21, 2009

Who knew...

...a new washer and dryer could be so entertaining AND make our boys love each other! LOL!
Last Friday we got a new Samsung front loading washing machine and dryer and I can honestly say washing clothes is a TON more fun! Our new dryer actually plays a little song when it's done. LOVE IT! LOVE IT! LOVE IT!

Father's Day 2009

We had the most wonderful Father's Day with the boys! The boys gave Drew a new pair of Reef sandals for Father's Day and hung out on the couch while I took some candid pictures of my "men". It wasn't long until Grandma and Papa called and invited us to spend the afternoon at "party beach" on Lake Grapevine. So we gathered our stuff, applied lots of sunscreen and hopped a ride on the sailboat. We tied up at the party beach and the boys enjoyed some sand, water and sun. Luke who has been my cautious water bug finally decided that jumping off the boat would be great fun! Not only did he jump but after seeing Nolan do a flip off the boat he did a flip (or at least attempted a flip) without any coaxing. As a matter of fact none of us knew he was going to attempt a flip until he did it! He surprised us all! Both boys had a blast! Dane was a fabulous baby (as always) and enjoyed some time in the water too! We slathered him up and put his floppy hat on him to keep his new baby skin shaded as much as possible. A fun day had by all!
Below are the links on YouTube of Luke's jumping skills. The video clips are very short. The first clip shows Luke jumping into the lake, the second clip shows his attempt at doing a flip!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Great Dane! (And I don't mean my brother)

What to do when your favorite jump house center doesn't have electricity? You watch a Great Dane get water therapy from your best friend's Mom! Here's the story...on Friday Ms Kristi (our summertime Nanny) puts Nolan and Luke into the car and takes them to Jump Zone only to find out that Jump Zone doesn't have any electricity. At the same time my friend Amy calls and suggests that if the boys are looking for a "field trip" they could watch a Great Dane get water therapy. So, voila! A swift change of plans and the boys get to watch a Great Dane get water therapy instead of bouncing. Look at Luke checking out the dog on the underwater tread mill! It's too cool!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Dane Joseph Boyd Wilson's Baptism - June 7, 2009

On June 7th we celebrated Dane's baptism with family and friends. We are thrilled that Dane's cousin Kelsey Russler and Uncle Jeff Carter are his Godparents. On Saturday we enjoyed a day out on Lake Grapevine and we all managed to get a sunburn before we returned home just in time to have dinner at The Feedstore which is a fabulous BBQ restaurant. Luke managed to be sick the entire weekend and ran a fever from Friday to Sunday (poor guy). Dane's baptism was beautiful and he was angelic in the most beautiful baptismal gown made especially by his Granny. Everyone came to our house for lunch before the Missouri crew headed home. It was a wonderful weekend enjoyed by all! Thanks to everyone for coming to Texas to share it with us!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Summer Storm

What a night we had last night! Around 7pm a storm blew through Grapevine with 70 - 80 mph winds. I took a peek outside and noticed the rain blowing nearly horizontal so when the power went out I grabbed the flashlight, my cell phone and ushered the boys and I (and Lucy too) to my bedroom closet. Earlier that evening the boys were bickering and fighting but when we sat on the floor in the closet you could have heard a pin drop they were so quiet. It was the most wonderful sound ever and I secretly prayed that we'd have to hang out in the closet for at least an hour! He He! But once all was calm we adventured out to see what it looked like outside. When I looked out the window, much to my surprise, I saw our Bradford Pear tree lying on the ground. Luke kept saying, "Mommy, tree fall down!" and Nolan was just sure we were "dead". It wasn't long before the neighbor boys came down and all 4 of the boys were crawling through the tree like it was an obstacle course. Grandma and Grandpa came by to see the damage and it was at that very moment when Butch reminded me that these are the moments the boys (or at least Nolan) will remember! Thank goodness everyone is safe however I am a little sad to see the stump where our tree once stood.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


These pictures capture everything I've ever wanted in a family...3 beautiful and healthy boys. Who could ask for more!

Baby Nolan Graduates from Pre-K!

My baby boy is growing up! Nolan graduated from Primrose's Pre-K program on June 2nd and looked smashing in his cap and gown. Each class got to sing a song and Nolan's song was "America the Beautiful". Then a slide show presentation set to music followed and my heart melted. I tried not to cry but it was hard, especially when they showed individual pictures of our babies sleeping on their cots! Waaaahhhh! Afterwards there was lots of pictures with friends and with teachers. We have made a ton of new friends with other parents thanks to Primrose! It's amazing how many birthday parties we've been invited to over the past 3 years and we gained more than we gave because there are 5 families of boys who have really come together. It's sad as not every boy is going to kindergarten at the same school next fall however we do plan to play t-ball again in the fall and I think they'll be thrilled to see their old friends again!