Friday, September 30, 2011

Luke's Fall T-Ball Season

Last fall Luke played another round of beginner t-ball with his best buddies: Nathan, Owen, Bryson, Luke N. and Amanda. As always, beginner t-ball provides a substantial amount of humor but this was Luke's "break out" season...he actually started making some outs! After he overheard a discussion I had with Nolan about doing chores and being paid Luke wanted to be "paid" as well so I made him a deal: for every out he made at his game that night I'd pay him $1. That night he earned $4! He turned into a little "out" machine! He often played the position of pitcher or 2nd base. Ian Kinsler plays 2nd base for the Texas Rangers so Luke decided early in the season he was going to wear his pants "Ian Kinsler" style which is pulled up to his knees with his socks showing. Ian Kinsler would be flattered!

Luke's turn to bat and enjoying the spotlight!

Safe at 1st (good gracious, do you see how big that girl is playing 1st base?!)

Love this picture of his tongue sticking out while he's concentrating on the upcoming play.

Sure it's a swing and a miss but look at that concentration! His form isn't too shabby either!

Luke showing off his end of season trophy!