Monday, August 22, 2011

1st Day of School - 2011

Today marks another milestone in the Wilson family as Luke entered Kindergarten at Johnson Elementary School! He's been waiting for this day for 2 years (ever since Nolan started going to school). While it's a fact he will be one of the younger kindergarten students in his class with a May birthday what I DO know is he's ready to learn!

Sunday night both boys were in bed by 9pm and Luke fell fast asleep however Nolan's mind was turning wondering who was going to be his friend in his classroom this year. After about 45 minutes of tossing and turning (and a dose of Melatonin) he fell fast asleep. Both boys woke up fairly quickly the next morning (they are used to sleeping until 9am-ish!) and got ready, ate breakfast and posed for some 1st day of school pictures. I know the day is coming when taking pictures isn't going to be very "cool" for Nolan but until then I'm snapping away like the paparazzi!

We walked Nolan to his 2nd grade classroom first and he seemed at ease so we said our goodbyes and then walked Luke onto his kindergarten classroom which we have the good fortune to be with the same kindergarten teacher that Nolan had 2 years ago. Luke also seemed at ease as did Dane because the next thing we knew he was sitting alongside the other kindergarten students flipping through a book! We said our goodbyes to Luke and left. Not sure if being with Luke for the last 9 months caused this but...this time I actually had watery eyes and a lump in my throat. Looking at Dane as we left the school all I could think of was "and then there was one". The next time I have a kindergartener Nolan will be moving on to Intermediate school (grade 5) and Luke will be going into the 3rd grade. I guess there's not much I can do but accept that time marches on...

Breakfast together!

Luke (kindergarten) & Nolan (2nd grade)

Luke's smile cracks me up!

Nolan looks grown up in this picture.

As does Luke!

Dane woke up and came out to join in on the fun! He immediately claimed Luke's "pack-pack"!

Mrs. Moss and Nolan (we hear she is highly sought after so we are thrilled that Nolan is in her classroom this year.)

Luke with Mrs. Chapman!

The boys are riding the school bus this year! We took them to school this morning but from here on out they will be picked up and dropped off, curb side!

Dane waited no time before he claimed the backpack and the bus pass from Luke!