Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Everybody was Kung-Fu Fighting

Watch out Kung Fu Panda...Luke Wilson just began karate lessons this week and he's ready to kick some panda booty! Luke was so excited to start karate when we returned from our vacation and on Monday he was issued his itty bitty karate outfit and is already learning a lot. So far we are impressed with what we've seen as not only do they teach karate moves they also require discipline (no goofing off) and they are teaching basic safety skills. Luke is learning his address, phone number and how to get away from a stranger if someone grabs his wrist. He will enjoy 6 weeks of unlimited classes at which time school will start and he'll be a new kindergarten student! I foresee no bullies in Luke's future! ;)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A Wilson Summer Vacation

The Wilson boys (and token girl/mom) left for a week long vacation on July 1st to celebrate the 4th of July with the Meads in Co-do-ra-do before heading to Santa Fe to wrap up a trip of adventure. After losing Luke's Nintendo DS within the first 6 hours of the trip and dealing with Dane's car sickness about an hour outside of Denver the trip could only improve, right?! We were treated to a wonderful hamburger cookout when we arrived at Tammy & Justin's house and the boys (Nolan, Luke, Dane, Riley & Evan) had fun playing in the yard and becoming reacquainted again! In the course of 1 week we did the following: attended a Colorado Rockies baseball game in what felt like record heat (I had to put one of Dane's diapers on the bench in order to sit down); Nolan, Drew and Justin went mountain biking; road the Georgetown Loop "foo foo" train (as pronounced by Dane); visited Tammy's in-laws in Ft Collins for a BBQ, watched fireworks and spent a day swimming at the local water park...all this in Colorado alone! On Wednesday we packed up and headed out only to stop at the USA Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. After 3 hours of touring that amazing facility we headed down to the USA Olympic Training Center for another tour. Both destinations are highly recommended if you have never been there but plan to be in the Colorado Springs area.

We arrived in Santa Fe late Wednesday evening and set out to Madrid, NM the next morning. Unfortunately due to the wildfires we were unable to go to Sandia Peak so we explored the small town of Madrid and all the art galleries. One gallery in particular had very expensive fountains made of beautiful rock. The water softly bubbled out of the top when Luke (who just completed a week of "Bible School Vacation" very politely dipped his hand in and made the sign of the cross. What a FINE Catholic boy he is! Thursday afternoon Butch & Sally arrived and later that evening our very good friends, the Mitchell's joined us at the casita for the remainder of the trip. On Friday we all visited an Indian Pueblo in Taos, NM where Luke got a dream catcher made by a very authentic Indian with long braids and Nolan picked out an authentic Indian drum. On Saturday we visited a living museum which instead of learning about the Indian culture focused on the Spaniards who were living and traveling through the area. We also spent our day at the Santa Fe Plaza having a great southwestern lunch and visiting the St Francis of Assisi Basilica church as well as the Loretto Chapel which has this amazing spiral staircase built with no nails or center support! And because Saturday, July 9th is someone's special day Drew and myself and our friends, Kevin and Jennifer had a nice meal out, without kids! Thank you Grandma and Grandpa for watching all 5 kids and hosting a pizza party at the casita!

Below are some pictures from the trip...enjoy!

Wilson boys at the Rockies baseball game

Nolan & Evan

Nolan, Riley & Luke (I think my kids' necks are broken?!)

The boys waiting to board the Georgetown Loop "foo foo" train!

Drew & Dane hanging out the window (before the training was moving of course!)

Riley & Luke paying attention to the Conductor

The boys posing around the plaque of "Diamond Lil" the B-52D Stratofortess airplane

The boys at the USA Olympic Training Center. Notice who thinks he won the gold!!!
(They are showing off their muscles!)

Nolan posing with the gymnast on the rings

Luke posing with the karate men

Dane peeking through the hockey player (if you look close enough you'll see Luke's face poking through the smaller hole!)

The boys "speed skating"

San Francisco de Asis Church - Taos, NM

Indian Pueblo - Taos, NM

Not only is Nolan going to be be-headed he's only got 1 leg to stand on!

Staircase in the Loretto Chapel

Celebrating Drew's birthday!