Sunday, April 24, 2011

Where's Dane?

A 2 year old can only be entertained by a tur-tul kite for but a moment. Dane set off to have some fun of his own. After eating some dirt and throwing it around in his hair he tried his hand at dog walking (although he was outweighed 3:1), he occasionally took note of the kites above him, ran in circles and giggled and later walked a tight-rope (aka the street curb). But he had fun and that's all that mattered!

New Kites!

Easter bunny brought each boy a brand new kite and we had a perfect, overcast and windy day to fly them. Nolan did a great job with his kite, his was frog shaped. Luke did pretty well with his fish shaped kite and Drew helped Dane with his tur-tul kite (turtle). I love that we live across the street from the park!

It was fun finally getting all 3 kites up at the same time.

Nolan got his up in the air.

Luke was doing good as well. Look at that stance!

This is a serious face.

Here Comes Peter Cotton Tail

Easter perhaps is my favorite holiday season of the year. I particularly love Easter in April when flowers are in bloom and the earth comes alive again! We had a wonderful Easter morning enjoying time with the boys hunting the eggs Peter Rabbit left for us at our house. Peter hid eggs inside the house and outside as well. He even hid the eggs we colored on Friday. He was one busy rabbit! Probably the cutest thing this year was Dane and his basket. He guarded it and held it close to him at all times. He digs chocolate and who could blame him!

Doesn't flowers in bloom just make you happy?

Nolan began his egg hunt in the family room.

Nolan and Luke found eggs in the shutters!

Dane found jelly beans and Reese's peanut butter cups in his eggs!

Luke found some hard boiled eggs outside!

A quick picture of the boys after they had found all of their eggs!

Dane being silly!

The boys all dressed up in their Sunday best! Nolan said he was going to look "dumb" in his pink shirt but I think he looks rather handsome.

Grandma and Grandpa Wilson's Fantastic Easter Egg Hunt

Grandma and Grandpa Wilson threw the best Easter Egg hunt to date! We lucked out and the rain held off until later in the evening and at 4pm many friends and family gathered with easter baskets in hand to kick start the Easter Eve activities with a giant Easter egg hunt. And to make the "hunting" fair there were 2 age categories: Those who wear diapers and those who do not. The little ones hunted eggs in front of the house and had lots of fun and some even collected $1 gold coins. Easter bunny was loaded this year!!! After the toddlers hunted Easter eggs we turned our sights to the backyard where the big kids got to hunt eggs. Captain Butch was sure to give explicit instructions that if you were in Kindergarten or older you had to run all the way down to the fence and then collect eggs on your way back up while anyone who was still in pre-school (but not in a diaper) could start collecting eggs right away. There were shiny eggs with gold coins and clear eggs perched high upon branches that had race cars inside of them. As you can imagine the egg hunt ended quickly and so we celebrated some more by smashing confetti eggs on each other's heads. Below are a few pictures from yesterday's festivities with many more on Shutterfly to see!

Does anyone notice anything interesting about this picture?! How about the boatload of boys and 2 token girls?!?!

Dane was posing/preparing for his egg hunt!

3 of the 4 boys in the "diaper" category!

On your mark...get set...go!!!!! And they're off!

Smashing confetti eggs on each other! I wish we had this tradition when I grew up!