Sunday, March 13, 2011

What's a Birthday without a trip to the Urgent Care!

In true Wilson fashion we went all out for Dane's 2nd birthday party. We invited out closest friends and of course our family members to celebrate a "quacky" birthday for Dane. We have a pond across our street that has a group of ducks swimming in it a few times each day. Dane LOVES to go and watch the "quack quacks" as he calls them and they provide good distraction for him when a temper tantrum is coming on as well. So this year I attempted to decorate a 3-D duck cake for Dane and it actually turned out very well. I also decorated some mallard sugar cookies as well.

The evening was going as planned. Everyone had arrived, kids were playing in the backyard and food was being served. Nolan wanted to show Grandpa his new golf clubs which were in the garage and as always Nolan was running around barefoot. Somehow he stepped on the metal edge of an old table and cut his foot. I'm thinking, "let's put a band aid on it" but it was more than a band aid and was becoming quite messy. Thank goodness for our great friend and neighbor, Meredith, although a Pediatric Oncology nurse she was very calm about helping to stop the bleeding and wrap up his foot so we could take him to the Urgent Care clinic. So, with a house full of people we put Nolan in the car and took off. This was a bit of De Ja Vu for us because right before Lukes' 2nd birthday he fell off the swing while we had friends over for dinner and we had to take him to the Urgent Care to glue his chin back together! In any case, the doctor had to make 3 stitches and continued to tell us how deep the cut was and how he "fileted" his foot. Nolan was a champ because we knew it hurt, the doctor even said when he was getting ready to give him the numbing treatment that he wasn't going to lie because it was really going to hurt. Nolan and I practiced some breathing exercises and for a moment you would have thought he was birthing a child instead of getting stitches in between his toe and bottom of his foot.

We managed to get home in less than 1 hour but by this time many of our party guests had left. Thankfully Grandma and Grandpa, Aunt Lizzie, Hunter and Weston were still at our house when we returned to sing Happy Birthday and open a few more presents. All in all, we are thankful for healthy children and great friends and family!

3 Wilson boys posing before the party got started.
Dane's Mallard Duck birthday cake

Mallard duck sugar cookies

Dane posing for a quick picture

This is what happens when you leave your camera unattended.

Dane was sad when his party friends were heading home and he couldn't find his Mama and Daddy! Look at that face. Breaks my heart.

Happy Birthday to Dane!

Cake time!

Just love this picture and how he's sitting. He LOVES ducks!

Nolan getting some TLC and attention from Grandma Sally.

Mama, Dane and Daddy!