Friday, February 4, 2011

The Blizzard of 2011

Being the skeptic that I am, when the newscasters were calling for bad weather this week I took it very lightly expecting it to miss our area completely. Hindsight...I probably should have gone grocery shopping on Monday afternoon! It was about 3:30am Tuesday morning when we woke up to the sound of sleet hitting the windows and by 7am we had a light covering of snow. School was cancelled for the day so we pulled out the box of ski clothes and we all bundled up to go outside. We took our sleds to the top of this hill on a street near our house and let 'er rip! The sledding on ice was pretty good but the wind was harsh. We could barely hold onto our disks! There wasn't much snow to play in as our winter weather was actually a few inches of ice! Then at 4pm school was cancelled for Wednesday. Wednesday morning the rolling blackouts began but thankfully they never lasted more than an hour. School was cancelled on Thursday and again on Friday (4 days in a row may be a record for schools in this area). We woke up to about 1" of fresh snow on Friday morning and it continued to snow through lunch time. This time the cousins came over and we bundled up once more and did some more sledding, snow man building (but the snow was too dry) and snow angel making. I've decided that although we live in Texas it's always a good idea to have really warm snow gear no matter what so you can really enjoy these rare snow days!

I snapped a picture of our house just as the sun was coming out because I suspect the snow will be gone by tomorrow!

Dane sledding

Dane and Lucy withstanding the horrible winds on Tuesday. Look at the fur on Lucy's legs standing straight out. It was crazy windy!

Luke and Nolan trying to make a snow fort!

Can you see Luke behind all of his "gear"? He does not like to be cold!

Nolan did the best he could to make a snowman this year. Notice his lack of scarf, goggles and neck gator. He never gets cold!