Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Day at the Dallas Arboretum

It's hard to believe that 11 months ago I purchased tickets to the Dallas Arboretum and we are just now getting a chance to use them! Monday morning we dressed up the boys, packed picnic lunches and headed out to the Dallas Arboretum where I was hoping to capture a few cute pics of the boys. The lesson I learned is that getting 2 boys to smile is easy, it's getting the 3rd one to cooperate that was the hard part. And you would think that cooperation would come from the oldest but not true...Luke is unable to look and smile at the camera for any group picture! He loves to have his picture taken alone but cannot take a group picture. I suppose he doesn't like sharing the "lime light". In any case, we enjoyed walking through the Arboretum, checking out the fish in the ponds, exploring the child-sized buildings in "Texas Town" and checking out the lily pads (which was exciting for Nolan because in kindergarten they spent an entire week studying pond life!). My sister Jackie joined us for the Labor Day weekend and beyond! She is helping take care of Dane this week before she heads back to Missouri on Friday. All of the boys (especially Luke) are going to miss her dearly! Who else will read books to him and fetch him "fresh water" at bedtime?!?!

Let the posing begin! Luke strikes a pose the moment we get into the gardens.

Nolan and Luke photo opp!

Nolan and Dane

Dane smiling for the camera

An attempt at a family picture

Aunt Jackie posing with her 3 Texas nephews!

Brotherly love (and then right after this picture was taken Nolan instructed Luke to get off of him!)


Luke and Nolan posing with me!

Too tired to smell the roses!