Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Nolan's Kindergarten Graduation 2010

Nolan has officially graduated from Kindergarten! (sniff, sniff) I can't believe how fast the school year went! Graduation kicked off this morning at 8:30am and it was the most well organized, delightful event! Each child was to bring to school a men's white dress shirt to be used as their graduation gown. It wasn't until I saw the kids walking in that I understood! Each child was dressed in their Dad's shirts this morning, buttoned up the back and from the perspective of the audience the kids looked like they were in their graduation gowns! Precious!!

Just look at this size of this class!!! There were 5 kindergarten classrooms this year each with about 25 kids so for just this one elementary school there were approximately 125 kids! They sang the cutest songs such as a rendition of New York, New York called "First Grade! First Grade!" We captured it all on video and I can't wait to watch it again as he grows older!

Presenting the Kindergarten graduating class of 2010 and the Senior graduating class of 2022!

Nolan accepting his diploma for "Completion of Kindergarten Graduation & 5 mile running club".

Nolan's graduation self portrait!

Nolan posing for a picture with Mrs. Chapman, his Kindergarten teacher!

Nolan posing in his cap and gown!