Thursday, April 8, 2010

The best part about being a Mom is... from my 3 year old! Enough said!

Here comes Peter Cottontail!

I believe I have this "Easter" thing down pat now! I get up early, spread out the last of the colored eggs, get ready for church, put on regular clothes and then head upstairs to wake up the boys except that this year Luke beat me to the punch (just barely). As I was headed towards the staircase to wake up the boys there was Luke, quietly sitting about half way down the steps with his pj shirt full of eggs! So, I woke up Nolan and plucked Dane out of bed (poor baby was snoozing away) so we could have our easter egg hunt together! The boys found plenty of eggs inside the house and then Luke saw eggs on the front porch! So, we headed outside on what was probably the most beautiful Easter morning I've seen in many years. As always, Easter Bunny was good to the boys this year bringing Nolan a Bakugan toy, Luke a Thomas the Train floor puzzle and Dane a mini See and Say. And of course, candy!

After attending Easter mass we enjoyed a lazy afternoon, Dane and I even took a nap! Drew and the boys played baseball at the park before we all headed to Grandma and Grandpa's house for another amazing Easter Egg Hunt! There is nothing better than seeing 5 little boys in various stages of their young lives either shaking eggs or hunting for eggs on Easter day. What a treat!

Dane finding his first eggs!

Luke, Dane and Nolan - post Easter Egg Hunting

Nolan, Dane & Luke dressed up for church

Nolan swinging at Grandma and Grandpa's house

Luke swinging at Grandma and Grandpa's house