Monday, December 7, 2009

Nolan turns 6 years old!

Wow! 6 years have flown by and I find myself often thinking back to the amazing changes which were in store for us back then (and still today!) First and foremost, we have been blessed with a healthy baby boy who is growing into a handsome (yet spirited) boy. From the sleepless nights to wondering if he'd ever be potty trained we have enjoyed watching him witness so many things for the very first time! Over the past year he welcomed with open arms his baby brother Dane, has learned to ride his bike, has become an independent swimmer and a pretty good t-ball player too! He graduated from pre-K and joined the world of the big kids when Kindergarten began in August. He is learning to read (I actually found him doing flash cards in his room over the past weekend) and celebrated his 6th birthday with his best buddy Brian at the Great Wolf Lodge's indoor waterpark! Nolan is a no-fear kid when it comes to thrills and would have ridden all of the water slides but he was 1" shy of clearing the height requirement for 2 of the slides. Next year he'll be good to go! After we left the waterpark we picked up some pizza and invited our friends and Texas family members over to celebrate and eat Nolan's "wolf" cake! I hope you enjoy viewing pictures of Nolan celebrating his birthday over the past 6 years!